Friday, September 01, 2006

list making

1. I'm waiting for Spanky to get home from work already! It's 10pm and she's just now on the train. That sucks!!!

2. You know why? I'm headed down to Florida tomorrow to visit my mom for Labor Day weekend, and I'm going to miss my sweetie while I'm gone. I'm staying in FL until Wednesday, so Spanky couldn't come with me, since she's working right now. She works on feature films, so when she's on a movie, she's not able to do a lot of other things, and I get really lonely. She was supposed to get home early tonight so we could hang out, but NO DICE. Something always comes up.

3. I'm listening to a new podcast, and I dont really care for it. I don't like it when podcasters are smug. I prefer it when the people are earnest and honest and not trying too hard. Sometimes it takes me a while to warm to people's shows though, but I'm up to episode 3 of this one (obviously I'm not going to name names because it's not bad, it's just not my style, I think), and I still don't like this lady. My real test is whether I'd want to be friends with her in real life, and I think I would find her insufferable. At least this episode has a decent audio level.

4. Can I just say MY MOTHER DOESN'T HAVE THE INTERNET. I may die.


OK, I wanted to do a LYS review, since I have been thinking about doing one since I went there, but didn't have the blog then. A few months ago (in May), I had to travel to Kansas State University for work. Thank GOD I rented a car, because let me tell you, Manhattan, KS, where K-State is, is in the middle of NOWHERE. That part of Kansas was really beautiful though. Much prettier than I expected. Anyway, the town of Manhattan is a typical college town--when the students are gone, it's pretty quiet.

There was this quaint downtown, which included a LYS called Wildflower Yarns and Knitwear. The website has a great picture of the front of the store, so you can see how cute it is. I thought it was great that she was open on the weekend, although I think I went during the week. They have exclusive patterns, which I think are available on the website, but I was really there for a sock pattern. I hadn't yet knit a sock, and had no idea how to start, so I went looking for some help. The woman who worked there was very, very nice, and she helped me pick out a really basic pattern. I think it was a Pure & Simple pattern--oh I see it was the Beginner's Lightweight Sock here (#216). And she helped me get needles and the right kind of yarn. I really liked her selection of other yarn too. She had lots of Lamb's Pride, which is hard to find in NYC in large quantities. I like it for scarves and hats (and I guess felting, although I've not used it for that yet), but she had tons of colors, and lots of other yarns that I'd only read about on blogs. And she let me wander around in there for a long time looking at everything. She also had a huge selection of books and magazines, and single patterns, and they were out in the open where you could thumb through them instead of being in a dank corner like they are in some places. It was just a nice, friendly store. If I lived there, I'm sure I'd be in there all the time. Anyway, it was a nice diversion in Manhattan, KS.

I guess I should go pack now... :(

Hopefully though, I'll come back and have lots of FOs to show the world.


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