Sunday, August 27, 2006

pretty successful weekend

I finally felted the sushi wallet. I had tried to do it by hand, but it wasn't very successful. So tonight, I finally threw it in the washer.
sushi walletsushi wallet zipper flaps
It worked so well! I still need to put the zipper in and maybe line it with something, and sew the sushi piece on the corner, but at least the felting is done!

I also put my tote bag through again. I put the sushi wallet in a lingerie bag, but for the tote, I put it in a regular pillow case and I folded over the top and safety pinned it together. And it worked! It's smaller! And none of the fibers got into the washer, thank god. Here's the picture from tonight.
re-felted bag You can't really tell the difference, except that now the button isn't centered anymore. I'll have to cut it off and resew it on later. I'm really happy with it now though. it's more the size I wanted it to be, and the straps seem sturdier.
I've decided that I really don't like felting things. It's too chancy. I'd much rather just make things I can control a bit more. The things I've attempted never end up looking like I think they should...

Anyway, this past week, I've also finished the two legs from Cargo. The one thing I'm worried about so far, is that the pattern says to finish one leg, and put the stitches on waste yarn, and then when you finish the other leg, keep those stitches on the needles. But it didn't say anything about cutting the yarn for the first leg. I didn't see any other way of doing the second leg without first cutting the yarn for the first, so that's what I did, but I don't know if I'm right or not. I guess we'll see. At this point, I have to find a 16" size 7 needle to start the connecting part.
I'm hoping to finish the pants this week, and the wallet, so I can gift them. My friend Ilene is due in September, and I've been wanting to give the wallet to Salwa for her graduation (in June, yikes!) for a while.

Next up will be Anouk, which everyone on the blogs has knit at one point or another, and Miss Dashwood, but I think I may need more yarn for this... I think I mentioned this whole yarn issue in my last post, about the Toddle scarf. After all this baby knitting, I'm going to do a project for myself (and finish Amy's other sock!), but I'm not sure what yet. I think my desire to knit is bigger than the time I have allotted for it. More's the pity.

I definitely think a trip to Purlis in the cards this week, to get a bit of fabric for the wallet. I should also check Repro Depot, I guess. We'll see. Have a good week, everyone!


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