Sunday, December 17, 2006

so, obviously I'm an unreliable narrator

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted! I had the best intentions... Obviously I have to face facts that not only am I only ambivalent about the computer outside of work hours, but the holiday season is not the most conducive to a regular schedule. But things have been constantly happening! Im going to try to recreate the last two weeks or so, but I'm probably going to forget a bunch of stuff.

1. Smiley's Manhattan Yarn Sale: So Smiley's, a yarn store in Queens, has what it calls a "yarn riot" in Manhattan once a year (i think), which is a lot like a sample sale, only with yarn. They rent out the basement of a hotel and lay out boxes of yarn at rock-bottom prices, and they only accept cash. People come from all over to buy tons of yarn. I didn't get to go until the second to last day, but I did get some yarn:

haul from Smiley's Manhattan yarn sale

From the top left, Filati Cervinia "Genova" acrylic yarn, which I bought with the idea that I'd make scarves for the Red Scarf Project, but I just started one, and it's not as soft as I thought it would be. I guess I'm still going to make one and then wash it and see. When I was in college, I wouldn't want a scarf I had to really care for, so acrylic is perfect for someone who might spill beer on it, or drag it around or whatever. You can just throw it in the wash...

Next, two colors of Filati Cervinia "Calzetteria" sock yarn--wool with some polymer stuff for stretch. The pink/red bag is for knee-socks for me. The green/grey stuff is for Spanky's brother's Christmas present. He wants a hat for fishing, and I thought that doubled and knitted up, the colors might look like cammo (so the fish won't see him). I also got some more stitch holders, some stitch markers, extra darning needles, and some straights for $3. I bought some last year, and I actually use them a lot, so I thoght I would get another pair this year. I didn't buy lots of other stuff because I got there, and couldn't decide what to get--there was so much! And I'm aimless unless I have a specific project in mind. So I just got a few things. And I'm happy with it.

2. Reading Group Christmas Party:

book club xmas party

The first xmas party of the year was for my book group. They charge $3 a session once a month, and some months we get a lot of people. At the end of the year, they use all the left over money (we have to pay for the rental of a room at the center with some of it) to throw a party for the members at someone's apartment. It's fun and low key. Not a lot of ladies, but those guys are pretty funny anyway.

3. Work xmas party:
work xmas party

There was an open bar and dancing. My friend Angela had my camera and ran up and snapped this while I was dancing. My nose really doesn't look like that but I do look like I'm having fun, eh?

4. Bust Magazine's Holiday Craftacular:

haul from the Bust Craftacular

The day after the company xmas party, Angela and I went to the Bust Craftacular in Williamsburg. It was so packed! I missed it last year, and I wanted to see what stuff they had this time and get some last minute gifts, but there were so many people it was hard to see all the vendors. Really annoying. Instead, I just ended up picking up the cards of the people who looked like they had cool stuff for the most part. I did get a few things though.

On the top left is hand dyed yarn from Make Workshop. I think I'm going to use it to make a Cherry Garcia. On the top right are two kits to make pin cushions also from Make. I gave one to Angela for xmas and kept the other one. Bottom right are some buttons, and East Village Inky. Ayun Halliday was there, and I bought a subscription to East Village Inky. I love her! I love Inky and Milo too. She gave me the first issue of the subscription there, and it is adorable. And of course, there were free copies of Bust. I used to subscribe, but I don't anymore because I have to save all my money for knitting magazines.

5. The hats were delivered to their intended recipients:

hats are delivered

They all look pretty pleased, and perhaps a little freaked out. I told them all I had to speak to them in the lunchroom and wouldn't tell them why until they all got there. I think they were worried I was quitting. Ha. They seemed much happier to have xmas presents. The whole experience was kind of weird though too. A little awkward, but I still felt good about doing something for them.

6. Spanky's wrap party--at a bar at the Maritime hotel. Very nice.

7. Spanky's boss had a xmas party at his BEAUTIFUL house, and I saw Mary Louise Parker and that guy who played Denny Duquette on Gray's Anatomy (together!!!).

And that brings us to now. What am I working on? I started one of the Red Scarf Project scarfs, and I'm working on one of these
for my dad's wife for xmas. It's going ok so far... I'm about 2/3 of the way done with the body of the shawl, but I don't want to jinx it... Everything else is pretty much on hold right now.

I only have three more days in the office before the end of the year (!!!!) so hopefully I'll be more on task with the posting. We're going to FL for the holidays, starting on Christmas Eve. I can't wait. I need a break so badly! Anyway, hope everyone is doing well with their holiday knitting!


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