Tuesday, October 24, 2006

a great day

My knitting group was going to road trip it up to Rhinebeck last weekend for the festival. There were three of us, and one of the three was meeting someone else up there. Then Beth's grandma died and she had to bail to go to the funeral. Because we are such a loosely knit (ha ha) group, the lines of communication just disintegrated, and the ball was totally and utterly dropped.

That's when my baby stepped forward and selflessly decided to save the day. She's working on a film right now, and they have a production car that someone has to take care of on the weekends, for parking reasons. She arranged to get the car, and I was able to make it to the festival on Sunday.

fall leavesfall leaves

It was just she and i driving, and with Mapquest directions and the directions from the festival website, we were able to make it with a minimum of arguing. The leaves were amazing. My blurry pics don't do them justice at all. The air was crisp and cool, and it was perfect sweater weather.


I was happy just to be spending the day with her. We got up there around noon or so, and just had fun looking at everything. The sheep were amazing! I didn't realize they would have them all right there with the wool and everything. I really enjoyed the explanatory displays about the different types and their wool properties, but as Spanky isn't a wool person, I didn't want to try her patience by reading every one. I figure this first experience was like a test run, to see if it was really all it was cracked up to be.


I can't say whether it was or not. I was so overwhelmed by the number of booths and the types of yarn, and the people SPINNING in the booths that it was really all just a blur, and I started getting that panicky feeling that I should buy something! anything! and I'm not realy good with that, especially when i don't have a specific project in mind.


I ended up buying a bunch of plain black baby alpaca yarn. It was so soft, and Spanky wants a plain black hat. I also got some creamy white and plain pine green wool of some sort. I don't know what I'm going to do with that yet, but I might use it to practice a fair isle design or something. I didn't buy anything fun or colorful, which I kind of regret.


Next year, I'm going to do more planning, and really map out what I want to see. Perhaps we can even stay overnight, or I can actually go with other knitters, so as to not subject my honey to hours and hours of yarn talk. As it was, we only stayed for a couple of hours. Enough time to do one pass through all the booths, and then she wanted to buy a bottle of wine for her boss, and I wanted an apple-y dessert. All in all it was a wonderful day, and we got home in time for dinner and laundry.

Gotta love it. It was one of the most romantic, thoughtful things that anyone's ever done for me. I'm such a lucky girl.


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