Sunday, May 25, 2008

home again, jiggedy jigg

I'm back again, folks! I'm sure you've all been aching with missing me, right? While I was in jolly olde England, Beth tagged me with a meme. She's previously said I had an awesome blog, for which I can only thank her and laugh modestly, as I'm sure my posts are not all that entertaining. Anyway, I never responded to that other designation, as that's the kind of blogger I am (late! antisocial! unresponsive!), but I do love movies, so thought I would give this one a try. Let's see how we do, eh?

1. One movie that made you laugh: This really is not hard, as I love movies with slapstick, but I am going to go with the latest movie that made me laugh, and that's one I saw on the way back from London, The Darjeeling Limited. There was a scene in that film that made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to embarrass myself.
2. One movie that made you cry: I tend to avoid sad movies, as I feel that life is sad enough without making myself cry for the hell of it. Having said that, I'm terribly romantic and sappy at heart, and so cry at lots of movies that aren't inherently sad, such as another film that I saw on the plane that I really enjoyed, Dan in Real Life. Steve Carrell is so good in this movie as a man who's devoted to his kids, yet emotionally dead inside after the death of his wife, coming back to life when by chance he meets someone he's really attracted to.
3. One movie you loved when you were a child: The first movie I remember seeing is The Lord of the Rings with my Dad, and not understanding any of it. Later, my favorites included The Goonies, Footloose, and Pretty in Pink.
4. One movie you’ve seen more than once: I've seen many, many movies more than once, but I think I've watched Pretty in Pink more than anything else.
5. One movie you loved, but were embarrassed to admit it: I am not really ashamed to admit I watched anything, but I have a secret, shameful love of Olsen twins movies. I watch them every time they are on tv. That's pretty bad...
6. One movie you hated: I have only walked out of one movie in my life, and that movie was Clifford. Oh god, I don't know why on earth I would have gone to see this in the first place, but I guess the combination of Charles Grodin and Martin Short playing a giant, spoiled rotten child was too much for even moi.
7. One movie that scared you: A Nightmare on Elm Street Seriously creepy to think that you could die in your sleep because something you dreamed was real. Also, that grey streak she got in her hair because of the stress of fighting Freddie freaked me out.
8. One movie that bored you: My Dinner with Andre Enough said...
9. One movie that made you happy: Amelie--god, it's so pretty and arty and sweet and sentimental and well-written and well-acted. All around, just a very satisfying movie.
10. One movie that made you miserable: Saving Private Ryan Ok, make that two movies I've walked out of. I thought this one was really good, but so horrifying that I just couldn't take it anymore. I think I lasted through 2/3 of the film though.
11. One movie you weren’t brave enough to see: Boys Don't Cry
12. One movie character you’ve fallen in love with: oh, really lots of them, but two of my favorites: Jack Sparrow, and Gary Oldman's Dracula.
13. The last movie you saw: Sweeny Todd--it was really pretty good, and I hate musicals.
14. The next movie you hope to see: I hear it's getting bad reviews, but I still want to see Indy Part 4 on the big screen.
15. Now tag five people people: I'm not going to tag anyone, since I really don't have enough blogging friends for that, but if you want to try your hand, feel free!


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