Thursday, January 29, 2009

stash WIPs

So, sometimes it just gets to me. The pregnant potential of all this freaking yarn. Why do I have so much yarn? I don't knit fast enough for it all! And I can feel it there. On the shelf in my closet, in the shelves in my closet, on the three or FOUR bags in the closet, in the hidden insides of the ottoman in my bedroom. It is just there. WAITING. I can't fit anything else in this house. So I'm starting projects just to get rid of some of it.

Well, one in particular.

orange scarf

Isn't that a lovely shade of orange? It's the exact shade of a traffic cone! I got one ball of this stuff in the goody bag at Stitch and Pitch 2007, and traded one of the other balls to my co-worker Constance for her ball of the same, so that I'd at least have two of the same. I keep seeing it in my stash (how could you miss that?!), so I finally decided to throw caution to the wind and start another WIP. Right now, I'm pretty low on WIPs. I only have the ripple blankie, which I'm not really motivated to work on right now. Maybe someday when I'm home sick from work...

one skein scarf w/ 2 skeins

Anyway, so I dug out those two balls, and I've cast on for the single cable scarf from One Skein. I'm using size 10.5 needles, and these balls only have 60 yards, so I don't think the scarf will be too long or too bulky. It's thin, the way I like scarves to be, and with a black coat and hat, the orange shouldn't be too hideous. I bet it would even go with olive green. You know, like a hunting outfit!

That just leaves my one main project. I'm sure I mentioned the second rash of babies in my life. My friend Amy went and had another one without me even knowing she was pregnant again! Based on Beth's beautiful example, I decided to knit the Fred Textured Sweater from Natural Knits or Babies and Moms.


It's coming out pretty well. Don't you think?
fred back


At 12:56 PM, Blogger PlumStitches said...

the little sweater looks great! I finally gave mine away. I have the same stash problem, which btw, did you see that The Stockinette is having a 30% off all yarn the first two weeks of February? Twinkle is calling your name ;-)


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