Sunday, January 25, 2009

FO #6-9

stack of baby knits

These next FOs go together. I debated about whether to really count them as 4, or as 2 (2 versions of two things). However, they took up so much of my time, that I finally came down on the side of counting each thing separately. They are, of course, for a co-worker's baby shower. I'm counting them as done, but the bibs need to have buttons put on, as well as the cute little patches I'm going to sew in the corners of each. One's going to have a butterfly and the other one a tractor. The lucky couple, of course, don't know the sex of the baby, which is why this can work, and also why I went ahead and knit one burp cloth in blue, and one in pink (that also happened to be the colors of sugar/peaches-n-creme that I had in my stash. No extra yarn purchased for this present!

two baby bibs of love

Pattern: Mason-Dixon Baby Bib O'Love
Yarn: Peaches & Creme, bits of left over for the green/yellow/blue bib and 1 regular skein of Lemon-Lime for the other.
Needles: Size 6 Susan Bates straights. I know the ball band says size 7s, but I've always found that size 6 needles gives a firmer fabric, which I think is better for scrubby things like dish cloths or bibs/burp cloths.
Notes: Like I said, I am missing the buttons and patches, but honestly, I'm so done with this project and sick of kitchen cotton, that I'm going to wait until someone actually organizes the baby shower before I finish up the last details. I was a little ahead of the curve on this present.

baby genius burp cloths

Pattern: Mason-Dixon Baby Genius Burp Cloths
Yarn: Sugar'n Cream Super Size skein, 1 each, color Patio Pinks and Swimming Pool
Needles: Size 6 Susan Bates straight needles
Notes: I made these two a little longer than the 60 rows called for in the pattern, simply because I had more yarn, but I think I like them longer, because there's less chance of the baby actually spitting up on you.

Sugar helped with the knitting.

sugar knits 2

She's such a good kitty.


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