Saturday, November 01, 2008

so this is November...

Well, I'm back, and I think I'm almost caught up. I took a 'sick day' during the week to get some much needed sleep and to get some laundry done, but there is still grocery shopping to do, and some extraneous cleaning. Today, Spanky and I went to a party to call voters to vote for Obama. It was an interesting experience--I was calling people in Virginia, and I talked to some really interesting folks. I really hate using the phone at all, so it took a lot for me to suck it up and call strangers, but Spanky had it harder than me--she was calling in Ohio, and she got some irascible McCain supporters. My McCain supporters were very polite. I'll just be glad when the whole election is over. I feel like it's been going on all year! Be that as it may, I hope everyone does go out to vote (even if you're voting for McCain!).

Anyway, on the knitting front, I do have two FOs to document, and I've started working on Spanky's sweater in earnest again (WOOT!). The back and both arms are done, and I'm 7.25 inches into the front. I've been working on the front for about three days now, so it's going pretty fast. That's mainly because I have nothing else on the needles. It's really a weird feeling. I mean, the sweater is plain ole stockinette, and I LOVE IT. I don't have to think at all, just knit and purl. But I do keep thinking of the next things on my list--
1. green striped toe-up knee socks
2. brown felted canteen bag
3. black lace shrug
4. brown clementine wrap

That's it. I also have to do some baby gifts, but I really am not buying any yarn for a few months. I know I've said that before, but with this recession and my brimming stash, I think I should just concentrate on what I have now, instead of what I could buy. That means that I'm going to be focusing on smaller projects for a while, since I have many more 1-2 ball amounts than I do a sweater's worth. I have one more sweater's worth for me, which is WAY down the list, and then two sweaters' worth for Spanky, which I bought years ago, and would REALLY like to get rid of so I can reclaim the space for better yarn. They were originally intended to be practice sweaters, but hopefully this time I can do something a bit more impressive. Like, that she'll actually wear.

Anyway, I will definitely have more tomorrow, with actual pictures, but I did want to get in a short post since it is November 1.


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